The healthcare cybersecurity market is expected to crack $10 billion by 2022. Make sure you’re not leaving money on the table.
Healthcare’s threat landscape gets more challenging every day and leadership needs help navigating everything from DDoS attacks to laptop theft.
If you’re a cybersecurity company looking to connect with CIOs, CISOs, and decision-makers in data-oriented healthcare organizations you should be enhancing your sales strategy with content in the form of…
- White papers that educate your readers on the security challenges they face (and likely don’t even realize)
- Case studies that position your security products and services as the solution to an increasingly complex cybersecurity environment
- Blogs that strategically highlight your products and security-enhancing features
- Emails that take advantage of contacts collected by your sales team to nurture leads and build a healthy client base
My practical background not only in healthcare but being personally responsible for the security and HIPAA compliance of a remote office that managed data for dozens of hospitals across the country means that I understand the challenges of your customers on an intimate level.
In addition to an MBA and degree in hospital administration, I am continually educating myself on the current state of security and information technology in the industry through HIMSS webinars, cybersecurity courses, and other materials.
Set up a meeting today to get started on a healthcare cybersecurity digital content presence that increases your marketing and sales ROI and fosters relationships with hospital leaders for years to come.
My Work
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MDM vs. EMM and the Future of Healthcare Security
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Blockchain in Healthcare (Ghostwritten, reference available)