Four HIMSS19 Takeaways for Evolving Healthcare Tech Brands
- February 18, 2019
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- Categories: General Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Healthcare Startups, Industry Articles, Revenue Cycle, Thought Leaders

After almost 20 years in the industry, I somehow just attended my first HIMSS in-person event — and loved it! (If I didn’t catch up with you this time, I’ll definitely be back in Orlando for #HIMSS20.)
There were some genuinely enlightening presentations on rev cycle, AI, and
I’m excited to see the changes HIMSS is making in its branding, but I’m even more excited to see the impact that’s going to have across the field. It’s almost guaranteed to make some waves, so here are some of the lessons evolving healthcare tech brands should keep in mind if they want to keep up.
HIMSS is changing. You probably should too.
HIMSS might not call all the shots in healthcare tech marketing, but they do set a standard.
They’ve already got an indelible position as influencer and thought leader in terms of education, awareness, and professional development. That’s going to serve as a powerful channel in pushing the standards of healthcare branding and marketing even further in line with what we see in other industries. Developing brands won’t only have the influence of outside players to contend with. Now the push is coming from inside the house too.
Connection matters.
One of the new pillars of the HIMSS brand is “Member-Driven Impartiality” — a sign that they’re going to be putting more effort into listening to members and taking action on what they find. Neutrality might not be a goal at your organization, but pay attention to the fact that the patient-centered movement has trickled up and entered the world of vendors and service providers.
If your marketing and branding efforts don’t clearly reflect a similar version of that value, you risk being left behind in a year or two (or at least playing a very difficult and expensive game of catchup.)
Forward-looking is now the norm.
Most healthcare tech solutions do a good job of positioning themselves as problem-solvers. Expect that to become the bare minimum.
HIMSS’ new inspiration and forward-facing brand echoes with tones of preparing for the future — a posture that will be necessary as more organizations are focused on finding partners who can help them build resilience in a fast-changing and often unpredictable world.
Champion something.
I absolutely love the new “Champions of Health” tag. Its freshness was palpable in person even though I’d only previously experienced the HIMSS brand on a virtual level. A lot of that energy was rooted in the idea of the “Champion,” and evolving healthcare tech brands shouldn’t be scared to jump on the bandwagon.
Whether it’s results, quality, change, or the patient experience, you have an opportunity to champion something for your partners. Own that.
As great a time I had meeting people and learning at this year’s event, I’m even more excited to see how my clients and the rest of this space respond as we enter a new era in healthcare tech branding.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, goals, and concerns, so drop them in the comments, or shoot me an email at