Healthcare Powerhouses Establish Content Presences Through Blogging
- May 9, 2016
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- Categories: General Healthcare, Industry Articles, Thought Leaders

Healthcare B2B content is still dominated by larger media entities, but if you pay attention, you’ll see names, both big and small, working to get a feel for online content and beginning to leverage it as a potent healthcare marketing tool.
If you’re looking for some inspiration, or just want to see where some of the bigger names in the industry are headed when it comes to content, check out some of the standouts right now.
IBM Insights on business: Healthcare and Life sciences
IBM, no stranger to the content strategy game, has a long and broad presence in healthcare analytics, and they’re making that presence even better known with their healthcare and life science-focused blog. So far they’ve tackled topics ranging from population health, to transforming global industries, and cognitive computing in life sciences — all of which tie in with their offerings for the healthcare sector.
GE Healthcare
Healthcare powerhouse GE maintains a steady flow of content for businesses in healthcare on their Partners blog. GE focuses on leadership and tech-focused, shorter content targeted at physicians and healthcare leaders.
If B2B healthcare content is finally finding its legs, revenue cycle content was just born. Thankfully, companies like Cerner are taking advantage of this by covering RCM questions on their blog. They don’t stop there though, and touch on topics that link IT to healthcare outcomes and healthcare policy news.
Samsung Healthcare Insights
I’m a bit biased since I’m a contributor here, but seeing big names like Samsung get involved in the healthcare business content game is a sign that we’re entering a new era of online healthcare content. Samsung’s blog focuses on healthcare tech, but has a bent toward the personal (reasonable considering the company’s investment in wearables). The Samsung blog promises to be a major player in the mHealth and IoT conversation in the future, especially as lines between consumer-based health and clinical continue to blur.
If you’re looking for a model on organizing your blog, Optum is the place to go. They provide a simple filtering tool that allows visitors to sort by topics ranging from data and analytics to pharmacy care services, but also by sub-categories within the industry (providers, health plans, government, etc.) This is the kind of blog presence that comes with a deliberate content strategy and taking the importance of online content seriously before most of the rest of the industry has even gotten started.
One of the most interesting differences you’ll notice between these blogs is who exactly they are choosing to create content. Some use employees without content backgrounds, while others use either internal or external content specialists. As healthcare content continues to mature and companies find their audiences, I expect we’ll see those two categories merging and giving birth to a highly-specialized breed of healthcare content creator who understands the art of delivering information to online audiences, but who is also in tune with the needs of healthcare bu