HIT Security: 4 Simple Ways To Lead In Cybersecurity Threat Information
- July 13, 2015
- Posted by: growth@locutushealth.com
- Categories: General Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Industry Articles, Thought Leaders, Thought Leadership Companion

In a world of rapidly increasing threats to healthcare information, vendors aren’t the first source of cybersecurity information according to HIMSS. Healthcare organizations are going to their peers first and foremost, and that’s a failure on the part of service providers. At the same time, it’s an opportunity.
One of the reasons hospitals, doctors, labs, and payors are hitting their peers first when it comes to advice around protecting sensitive information is undoubtedly trust…it’s simply easier to trust someone who isn’t out to sell you something. Beyond that though, is the issue of availability.
I work exclusively with online materials in the healthcare B2B space, and few organizations are really taking advantage of the opportunity to connect with current clients and establish trust with potential customers by keeping them up to date on one of the biggest threats the healthcare industry has ever seen.
That’s why I want to cover four, straightforward ways you can make your organization a leading source of cybersecurity threat information. In the process, you’ll be tackling the dual task of communicating the unique benefits you offer your clients as well as setting up a path for feedback from your target customers.
Create A Dedicated Mini-Publication
Chances are there are people in your organization, or people you can connect with who can round up news on data breaches in the healthcare sector. Assemble them in a weekly or bi-weekly email and include insights from thought leaders in your organization when applicable. Don’t forget to tie information you publish to the solutions and services you offer.
Publish Your Best Cases
Breaches and threats in healthcare are evolving rapidly, but chances are you’ve already successfully addressed a problem that aligns with them in some way. Publish a 1-2 page descriptive case study and get in on discussions around developing stories on social.
…More than half of respondents (59 percent) indicated agreement with the statement “cross-sector cyber threat information sharing is beneficial to my organization.” ~HIMSS
Share Leadership Thought Pieces
Too many organizations still see cybersecurity as firewalls and anti-virus software. Few are thinking forward to solutions like dynamic biometric tech, dark web research, and multi-factor digital identity. The leadership in your organization has valuable and powerful insight into the development of enterprise security solutions. Don’t keep that to yourself. Have your leaders publish their thoughts on platforms like LinkedIn, or on your company blog or newsletter.
Distribute Advice And Tips Via Social
A quick survey of the people in your organization can easily yield simple bits of advice that are easily employed, but frequently overlooked by your clients. Collect these and use them in your company Twitter feed and encourage your employees to share them in their professional profiles.
It can be easy to over think content in healthcare, but if you have organizational knowledge, you’ve already got a good start. Don’t wait another year to create a content presence that connects with the industry in meaningful and beneficial ways—And if you ever need any input or help implementing suggestions like the ones above, shoot me an email at growth@locutushealth.com