30-Day Hospital Value Prop Accelerator

Make hospitals and health systems the heroes of your content story

Did you know that it’s possible to ground your themes, personas, and even distribution in actual feedback from hospital and health system leaders?

I recommend that all my clients start with a short, high-impact market survey of decision makers before they invest time, energy, or money in content creation.

A crystal ball for your content strategy

What if you could peek into the minds of hospital and health system leaders…before you waste valuable resources and opportunity on content that doesn’t connect?


Avoid content marketing pitfalls including:

  • Low-ROI investment in conferences and distribution methods your target market isn’t engaged in
  • Wasting time and money marketing to the wrong titles in a hospital or health system
  • Misunderstanding the nature of hospital buying groups 
  • Low-yield editorial calendars based on low-priority topics that your audience can easily tune out
  • Investing in low-confidence content types that hospital and health system leaders don’t trust or use in their buying decisions
  • Common blind spots in your internal understanding of hospital buying and content preferences

Use your results to fuel:

  • EOY content planning
  • Engaging the hospital and health system market with confidence
  • Evaluation of your current content budget for inefficiencies and opportunities
  • Improved product marketing
  • Refining your editorial calendar
  • Differentiation from competitor content

30-Day Hospital Value Prop Accelerator

Conducted in partnership with healthcare market research firm, Eliciting Insights, this survey goes directly to dozens of the hospital and health system leaders around the country you’re trying to reach—super-charging your content strategy and illuminating your path to the high-value content that cuts through noisy inboxes, crowded social media platforms, and a shifting conference environment.

Here’s what it looks like…

    • Five questions on topics including:
      • Preferred content types (What do they trust and how do they want to receive value?)
      • Target titles (Who should we be producing content for and distributing it to?)
      • Event/platform engagement (How can we meet them where they are?)
      • Brand awareness (Do they even know who we are?)
      • Top-of-mind topics (How do they define value?)
    • An interview where we’ll fine-tune the survey to align with your solutions and goals
    • Options to refine your survey panel by geographic region and hospital type
    • Upgrade opportunities to include more complex and open-ended interview questions with specific titles within the hospital or health system
    • A final report detailing the demographics of your survey, critical insights, and suggested ideas for content strategy and potential future market research

Explore the engine behind the Accelerator in this mini-webinar

Report Preview

(Images below are for demo purposes only. Actual report will vary from what’s presented here.)

Base price: $5,900

Upgrade interview questions with individual administrators: (You can ask questions to get insights like this, or get much more granular and interrogate their specific challenges.) $1,000 per interview

Provided in partnership with ElicitingInsights, trusted by HFMA and healthcare tech vendors across the country. 


Contact me at growth@locutushealth.com to start the conversation or set up a call here.